You can get scholarship in the UK if you have the ability and if you have the passion towards your study. A student can easily get scholarship in the UK if his/her academic career is good enough to impress the selection team. There are some scholarships schemes in the UK that are highly competitive but this is not the case with all scholarships schemes. A student can get scholarship reserved for a certain subject or for a certain nationality and these types of scholarships are easy to win as compared to those available to the students from the rest of the globe. However, it is recommended that a student should apply for all suitable funds and then wait for the response, as the selection committee knows better, about the selection criteria.
We have tried our best to search for the most honourable scholarships schemes in the UK available to the international students and here we give you a list of the schemes. Go and search the official websites yourself to find out more about these schemes.
Click on the title of the scheme to know more
British Chevening Scholarship
Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships
Commonwealth shared scholarship scheme
Overseas Research Students Award Scheme
USA/Canada Research Fellowship
Asia Research Fellowship
Marshall Scholarship
Fulbright Scholarsip
Scholarship in Arts & Humanities
Hotcourses Scholarship Search
Further scholarship links
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